Saturday, April 26, 2008

An Expert System Powered By Uncertainty

The Artificial Intelligence community sought to understand human intelligence by building computer programs, showed that intelligent behavior. Intelligence was perceived as an ability solve problems. Most human problems appeared to have reasoned, instead mathematics, solutions. The diagnosis of a disease could hardly be calculated. If a patient had a group of symptoms, and then she had a particular disease. But such reasoning required prior knowledge. The programs needed for the " " knowledge of the disease showed a group of symptoms. For the AI community, vague knowledge that resides in the minds of " Experts " was superior to text book knowledge. But they called the programs, they solve these problems, Expert Systems.
Expert Systems managed goal oriented tasks to solve problems, including diagnosis, planning, programming, configuration and design. One method of knowledge through representation was " If, then ... " rules. When the " If " part of a rule was satisfied, then the " After " of state was completed. These became rule based Expert Systems. But it was sometimes factual knowledge and in other times, vague. Factual knowledge had clear cause to effect relationships, where clear conclusions could be drawn from concrete rules. The pain was a symptom of a disease. If the disease always exhibited pain, pain, then drew attention to the disease. But vague knowledge and judgement was called heuristic knowledge. It was more of an art. The symptom pain could not mechanically point of disease, which occasionally exhibited pain. The uncertainty did not yield concrete answers.
The AI community tried to solve this problem, suggesting a statistical, or heuristics of uncertainty. The possibilities were represented by real numbers or sets of real-valued vectors. The vectors were evaluated by different " " fuzzy concepts. The components of the measurements were listed, giving the basis of numerical values. Variations were combined, using methods of computing combination of variances. The combined uncertainty and its components were cast in the form of " standard deviations. " Uncertainty was given a mathematical expression, which was hardly useful in diagnosis of a disease.
The human mind does not compute the mathematical relationships to assess the uncertainty. The mind knew that a particular symptom pointed to a possibility, since it used intuition, a process of elimination to identify patterns instantly. Vago information was powerfully useful to eliminate a process, since it eliminated many other possibilities. If the patient lacked pain, all diseases, which always exhibited pain, could be eliminated. Diseases that sometimes exhibited pain were retained. Other helped identify symptoms of a very low base. The selection was easier from a smaller group. Uncertainty may be useful for removing a powerful process.
Intuition was an algorithm, which evaluated the entire database, eliminating any context that does not fit. This algorithm has powered Expert Systems, which has acted quickly to recognize a disease, identify a case law or diagnose the problems of a complex machine. It was instant, holistic, and logical. If several parallel answers could be presented as the various parameters of a power plant, recognition was instantaneous. For the mind, where millions of parameters were presented simultaneously, in real time pattern recognition was practical. And elimination was the key, that could handle uncertainty conclusively, without recourse to abstruse calculations.

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Cisco CCNA Exam Tutorial: Route Summarization

Preparation for consideration & 39; CCNA and deserve this important certification Cisco? Summary route is only one of many skills to master to earn your CCNA. Qu & 39; it & 39; act version 2 RIP, OSPF or EIGRP, CCNA examination requires that you configure properly Route summary.
Route summary is not only important for & 39; consideration of NACC. It s & 39; d & 39; is a valuable ability to have & 39; in the real world as well. In short course can lead to smaller routing tables that are still able to route packages - what I love & 39; as & quot; accurate and complete & quot; tables routing.
The first to & 39; have to work with abstract route binary math, specifically, you should be able to several lines and both come with a summary of road and mask the promotion of downstream routers. Faced with networks / 16, / 16, / 16, and / 16, could you quickly to the conclusion of & 39; address and mask? All you have to do is break the four numbers in the network of channels binaries. We know that the last two years, all bytes to convert the binary string 00000000, as well as in this article we will show that, as to convert the first and second octet decimal to binary.
100 16 = 01100100 00010000
100 17 = 01100100 00010001
100 18 = 01100100 00010010
100 19 = 01100100 00010011
To with the conclusion of range, only work from left to right and draw a line, where the four networks, nor that & 39; a little. For these four networks, from this point, between 14 and 15 bits. It allows us with this channel: 01100100 000100xx. All you have to do c & 39; is that the chain of a new convert to decimal, which gives us 100 for the first octet and 16 for the second. (The two values are x-bit on the right side of the line are not used for calculating the conclusion of road.) Since we know that zero is the value for the last two bytes, the resulting number Abstract Network is
But we do not! We have now, with the summary mask to communicate with the conclusion of road. To access the & 39; route summary, you write in a mask with a binary & quot; 1 & quot; for everything on the left side of the line we had previously, and a & amp; quot; 0 & quot; for everything on the right. This gives us the following string:
11111111 11111100 00000000 00000000
Converting dotted decimal that we arrive at the conclusion of mask The good synthesis and netmask to communicate are
For l & 39; consideration CCNA l & 39; emphasis is on knowledge, such as the promotion of these lines in short RIPv2 and EIGRP. For these two protocols, route densification position to & 39; interface is the level - it & 39; is not configured under the protocol. On the & 39; interface should provide the summary line, use the command & quot; IP address Abstract & quot;. Here are some examples, as summarized above would be configured Ethernet0 trail in both RIPv2 and EIGRP.
R1 (config-if) ip summary
R1 Rip-address (config-if) & 39; Summary of the IP address eigrp 100
The main difference between the two is that the command must EIGRP number of & 39; AS - c & 39; is what & quot; 100 & quot; is at the heart of the order EIGRP. Since RIPv2 n & 39; uses no figures, it & 39; is no value added in the configuration.
For OSPF, orders. If the configuration inter-densification of & 39; environment Route position, use the field & quot; rich & quot; order if you compilation distances, which is currently divided into OSPF, you can use the abstract address under the command of OSPF routing process on & 39; ASBR. No d & 39; them are at the interface & 39; orders.
I speaks of & 39; experience, if I tell you that & 39; exercise is the master of the & 39; consideration CCNA, especially with binaries and settling the position of questions. The bulk of these questions is that it & 39; n & 39; are no areas d & 39; shadow of these issues - you know, how it works or not. And with a little & 39; exercise and an eye for detail, you can master these skills, & 39; examination and become a CCNA. It is a success!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

IT Spending: Protecting Your Clients from PC Vendors

If you have been in the computer consulting business for a long time know that one of the most important services you can provide to their customers is advising them to choose products. Its customers rely on your computer consulting firm point them in the direction of technology solutions that are cost-effective and reliable. They also depend on you to help them avoid bad products and support services ineffective IT.

It expenses: Newer does not mean better

Just was released because a technology not only means that it is a smart for the purchase of a company. If the customers buy & 39; s PC with processors that have just been released or new motherboards, graphics accelerators and chipsets that they can get surprises in the future, since these products have not often been tested for long term .

It expenses: you are responsible

Clients not appreciate unreliable PCs and hardware, and many as you will realise the computer specialist consultant responsible for all problems. And customers with a lot of hardware problems can be a threat to their business. If you are extremely careful to recommend new technologies with little information that will protect both their customers " budgets and of itself.

It expenses: Protect your customers from risks of early adoption

Because there is so much pressure for PC companies to create new technologies very quickly, many products are rushed to market before they are ready. In early 2001, the E.U. PC market fell 3.5 percent and marked the beginning of an industry contraction. Because the market is in such flux and as competitive, we should protect them to customers the adoption of technologies, before being refined.

It expenses: Product Development takes time

For the past ten years, the PC owners and small businesses had to think about spending in the device driver software, hardware and firmware that are constantly updated and reconfigured.

The problem with these developments is that customers have to suffer with unreliable hardware products while they are being improved because most PC companies make them part of the testing process instead give them the finished products. Because it is your job to help customers find their IT expenditure, which aims to protect them from being an expensive science experiment.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101 Blog. All rights reserved worldwide. (Attention Editors: Live hyperlink in the box author of the resources necessary for the copyright)

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The Wave of the Future

With the gas prices & 39; higher than a year ago, and probably no longer rising and people l & 39; roadmap than ever before, it is easy to see why online shopping is more and more popular. The virtual shopping malls, or online via the shopping centres, offer the same products, you will find in the store, and in some cases even more than the same business to transport. If they are sold out, you can place your order and ship it when it comes, or you go to & 39; other business and see if they & 39;. & 39, N You& 39;re not losing time and gas to the leadership of memory to store or to a second trip back to only & 39; have not sold or again.
There are just some of the issues that prevent people from online shopping, such as & 39; age / generation. Some older people are not only confidence in, which is understandable. Another problem is security. He is concerned about a credit card stolen, you will find in the Internet is theft risk d & 39; identity. C & 39, a concern is very sensible, but have to do, shopping in the shops is not possible & 39; eliminate this risk, it is even d & 39; May, increase the risk. If the credit card business, it is still at the bank in the same way. Not only that, but you have the box, your numbers & 39, a copy of the receipt. It is usually a person in the coffers of the & 39; cash and revenue, and that is another issue.
Another reason not shop online is the opportunity cost of shipping & 39;. Although most dealers offer delivery on some points, if not the entire & 39, is the cost of shipping & 39, are not unlike gas, that money by & 39 ; Licence for yourself, it does not seem to May, because you are in your car gas, but somehow to think how to May, when you need, go & 39; s important, how far for all Focus.
There are still people there who are trying to & 39 d l & 39; saves money, and they think that & 39; can prepare them better for their own account. You know the kind of person I am, the person will be the engines of 10 miles of their way to the station d & 39; gasoline cheaper than a $ .02 per gallon. & 39; What is it that no one were not aware of that when he accused d & 39; shipping for an online purchase, will allow l & 39 , No sales tax, as most retailers are not the fee for online sales.
I am firmly convinced that your time is precious. If you ausgibst, 4 hours, commuting between the time and the time for shopping, shopping and you have won everything, what it in 2 hours on the & 39; Internet, in the comfort of your home, you& 39;ll better online. You also have the opportunity & 39; a better price, because online & 39, there are 100 shops at the click of a button & 39; dd & 39; Waiting time for your marketing. In the shopping center, you will get one or two stores sell the same product for your opportunities are limited. If someone really wants a & 39; data to steal credit card, you will find a way to do what you fly, breaking into your house, your e-fly in the mailbox, and in business. Do not accept that the reason you go to the store.
The next time you have to do, shopping, and & 39; n You have never tried the Internet, give it a shot. I think you convert when you see how easy it is.

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