Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The New Age Is Here

It is really amazing how over the course of only a few decades how the world has changed. One of the things that stick out in my mind as a kid growing up in a small town in eastern Canada is how far we have come in such a short time. I lived in a house that didn t have any indoor plumbing we had one TV and we had just gotten that and there was only 3 channels on it anyway. That was it for electronic devices along with your good ole AM radio. These items were not much for real entertainment that I have grown accustom to over the years.

The biggest impact on the world today as we know it has to be the PC (Personal Computer). It was introduced to the world 25 years ago and has for ever changed how we communicate, get news and do business. I don t know if they really knew the impact that it would have on our lives, but could you ever imagine getting anything done today without one. Computers have become the ultimate tool for the whole family to use and enjoy weather it is for work, school or just entertainment.

With most advances in technology comes risk with the use of these advances. The PC is no different. With the introduction of the internet and computers becoming more and more accessible for people to own, came the exploits to damage these personal computers. Computers are being used for many things from storing personal data and conduct financial transactions online. The risks have grown even more when using the internet to do these things.

Internet exploits and crime has become a billion dollar industry for internet criminals. There are still people who are either not using the proper internet security products or none at all to protect themselves and families online. Not taking the proper action to make sure your computer, children and identity is safe when using the internet is just not smart today. Don t become a statistic just another person who has become a victim of internet crime. With the price of software these days it just doesn t make sense not be protecting you and love ones from the threats and exploits that are present all over the internet these days. They say that an unprotected computer on the internet will last only about 20 min before if will become compromised by some sort of maleware or exploit on the internet.

How many stories have we heard about children getting exploited or becoming subjected to some kind of inappropriate material? The internet is a great tool for kids to use for research for school; it s like having a library right in your home. Not taking the proper steps to make sure your kids are protected while on the internet falls all on the parents. If you want to control your kids access to the internet and what the can view you have to have some kind of parental control installed on your computer.

I know most parents think my child would never do anything like that or they know what they are allowed to do on the computer. Well if you believe that that is just hogwash.

I will tell you a little story about a phone call I received from a shaking mother of a friend of my daughters. My daughter is 13 by the way, well I get a call from the mother of her friend and she tells me what the girls were doing when they were over her house on the computer. These are three young teenage girls chatting on msn using bad language and viewing material that they shouldn t be viewing. Needless to say I had a long talk with my daughter about this stuff and what is appropriate to be doing while on the computer especially in someone else s house. I didn t ground her because you know how kids can be especially when they get into a group there is that thing called peer pressure.

The problem I think is with the parents, you would like to trust your kids and believe that they wouldn t do anything like that but they are kids and will explore the unknown. If the parents had some kind of parental control on their computer in the first place none of it would have happened. My daughter has a computer and it has parental control on it not because I don t trust her but because I have to protect her from the unknown.

With computers you can t wait until you have a virus that has to be fixed or your identity and personal information has been stolen or your kids get themselves in trouble that is going to bring harm to them. You have to protect your computer and your family before any of this can happen by getting yourself some internet security and information on how to protect yourself while on the net.

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